Apple TV set-top box of the fourth generation will be released next month. According to sources, the gadget makes its debut in October, together with the iPad and iPad mini 5 2. Apple has done so in the past year, announced the third generation of the device at the same time with the iPad 3.
Rumors of a new model of Apple TV comes with the beginning of the year. At that precise data on the form factor is not new items. It is assumed that the fourth generation devaysa will be applied contactless controller, like the Kinect.
Set-top box Apple TV, which is the official sales in Russia began at the end of last year, allows you to transfer movies, TV shows, and photos over Wi-Fi on the TV screen. Digital content can be broadcast over the Internet to your computer or mobile device iPhone, iPod touch and iPad streaming. Configure Apple TV, simply connect the power to the device, and then connect it to a TV via HDMI.
Apple announced the third generation of Apple TV in March last year. Unlike the previous version, able to output to an external video screen 720p, the device supports resolutions up to 1080p. At the heart of Apple TV 3G is a processor A5, familiar from such gadgets as the iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPod touch 5G, where one core disabled .
In March of this year, Apple released a second modification of the Apple TV 3G . During the experiments, it was found out that the updated attachment is based on the same processor A5, but produced at a perfect 28-nanometer process technology. According to rumors, this processor is supplied by TSMC. Thus, the new version of Apple TV 3G is the first device Apple, the processor for which was made without the participation of Samsung.
September 18 is expected to release a major software update for Apple TV , timed for release iOS 7. According to rumors, the new firmware will allow people who have purchased content from Apple, to reproduce it on the “apple” set-top boxes of other users.
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