Google updated the search algorithm and is preparing new mobile search application

In honor of its 15th anniversary, Google has arranged an event for members of the media, in which described some of the innovations and future plans.

Google search service is constantly being improved. Previously, the search algorithm to process only a few key words or phrases. The new version of the algorithm is more intelligent, she is able to successfully handle the entire phrase. These changes are caused by the current requirements of users who gradually ask more complex questions, more likely to use voice search.

The search engine, taking into account the relationship between objects – Knowledge Graph – is also gradually becoming more intelligent. He is now able to answer the questions that have no easy answer. For example, before going to the museum you can ask a question about Impressionist painter. After that, the user will receive information about these artists will be able to examine the data about each of them, the most famous view of their work. With the filter, you can select only the abstract artists. Also in the Knowledge Graph added function to compare two objects. For example, compare the two kinds of oil or two breeds.

For mobile devices over the next few weeks will be a new version of the mobile application Google Search. It will support reminders to synchronize between different devices. Example, when using the Nexus 7 can give a voice command to recall to buy a particular product in a particular store. And when a user will be held near this shop with his tablet, he will receive the notification. Also for mobile applications made for the use of the new design.

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