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WiFi on planes at a speed of 60 MB

The company Gogo has announced that in 2014 the United States will use hybrid technology (Ground to Orbit), which will provide air travelers WiFi-Internet access at...


In Outlook.com introduced support for IMAP and OAuth

Microsoft has announced the implementation of the IMAP protocol support OAuth and its mail service Outlook.com. It is noted that the service already supports the...


For half a year in Instagram accounted for 50 million new users

Social network Instagram for the first time in six months has published data on the number of people using it, and the result was quite impressive. In particular, for...


Mental connection via the Internet

  A group of researchers from the University of Washington under the direction of teachers Rajesh Rao and Andrea Stocco held the world’s first experiment in...


Google makes search more personalized

Some users have long dreamed of the desktop version of Google Now, but the company is in no hurry to its implementation, as it was originally designed for mobile...


Switch to the Internet

  Currently, Internet users have a reasonable basis for a healthy paranoia of the security of sensitive data. Gadget called Kill Switch is a switch to physically...


Email service, which is used by Edward Snowden, closed because of pressure from the U.S. government

Edward Snowden (Edward Snowden), a former programmer and system administrator at the CIA and the NSA, who discovered the existence of the world PRISM program , used for...


The Old Reader has received new resources, new team and will continue to work as a public resource

Closure of Google Reader has caused the growing popularity of RSS-similar services. One of them was The Old Reader. Moreover, the influx of new people was so great that...


In Google Maps has a new feature Views

Appeared not so long ago Photo Sphere mode for Android produce a few frames, and then the footage is combined into a complex panorama. Google has decided to simplify the...


Microsoft has introduced a number of improvements to the service SkyDrive

One such innovation is to support high-resolution displays. Now the service measures the resolution of the display device by the user, and if it detects a high value...