Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

Everyone knows that the Korean giant uses its top devices the most advanced technology, the latest development, and the main area over which Samsung carefully and diligently works, it displays. Samsung uses AMOLED display in their smartphones; they have a large number of advantages and disadvantages of each year they become less and less.

Many people believe that since the Galaxy S, except the resolution displays, no changes, but this is an extremely erroneous opinion. Color rendition, maximum / minimum brightness, technology matrix (Pentile, RGB), and so on, but users recently questioned the integrity of the company and use its most recent developments in their new devices. Recently, the network has a variety of videos, comments, “tweets”, which refers to the re-use of the displays in the new devices, including the Galaxy Note 4. Recently, YouTube user has posted a video which showed Note 4 to the secondary display used on background of factory, but Samsung said that it is not an employee of Samsung and, accordingly, there is no guarantee that it was owned by Samsung factory. Soon after the video was removed, this caused even more suspicion. The greatest surge disturbances arose at home Samsung (apparently Koreans know more than we do, otherwise why such a fuss?). Came even before the official commentary of the company in this regard:

“The fact that we use a second AMOLED display in their smartphones, not that other, as just a rumor, but in any cases it is a lie … Nowhere on the production does not use secondary AMOLED display. The only area in which it has a place, it is the replacement of the display on the toll warranty. “

But now, after a formal response will remain whether users are happy with the fact that in case of failure of the device will replace them on display already used? And there is no guarantee that such displays will last a long time user. On the other hand, this is done to reduce the cost of the consumer to replace the screen. Therefore, consider this a plus or a minus – let everyone decide for himself.

Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

And finally, to remind users that it is in Samsung products you get the most technologically advanced AMOLED display, as the company’s policy is that other manufacturers can only use the display of old designs, so many have questions about off-quality AMOLED display Nexus 6.

Samsung denies the allegations in the using secondary of AMOLED displays

Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

Recently, our attention was attracted accusations that Samsung has faced in his native South Korea. They sent us a kind of supporting documents – video and a few links. Some of these links are no longer valid, preserved only entry in Twitter. In short, one employee of Samsung’s production line of smartphones spread the rumor that the electronics giant uses / used in the manufacture of AMOLED displays new flagship devices, such as Galaxy Note 4.

Maybe we’ll show blunt, but admitted that the language barrier prevents us from drawing conclusions, especially considering that the presented “evidence” was rather vague. However, it appears that these rumors have become a hot topic in South Korea, at least hot enough to Samsung touched on it in its official corporate blog. The company has dispelled rumors and denied the existence of such practices.

Samsung accused of using a secondary AMOLED display

In accordance with this quote (translated BusinessKorea), nothing like that does not occur in production departments Samsung:

“There is a rumor that we used recycled AMOLED display panel in our smartphones, but it is not so. <…> processed displays are generally not used in the production process, although some of these panels have been used in a paid warranty.”

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