Every detail is important, or why Apple wins

I wonder how and why every little bit new product released by Apple, builds thousands of people around the world in a huge queue? Even if this new (read – updated) the product is different from the previous one, does not carry something like that so drastically altered and does not cause the public, “Wow”. Why Cupertino-based company has always been successful where others are waiting for continuous failures?

You can think of what is written below my very personal view of the marked questions, look at, dare I say it, a phenomenon based on Apple. I will be very happy if someone else opinion at least partially coincide with mine, but if you have something to add to my thinking – all great!

Looking back a few years ago, after all these crazy high-profile presentations and announcements of new devices you can try to hold some kind of a line, a strategy of behavior, if you will. The fact that Apple products are always presents a very simple, focusing on details, these details should make the process as easy as possible to use and understandable. But one detail, or rather, one of the most important and key points in the overall strategy – is to ensure the availability of devices and their accessories in retail and online stores. There is a simple rule works – “came, felt and bought.” You say – “But how can that be? Now shortage of new iPhones! “Nine million sold in three days iPhone 5s will be the answer for you. These reserves can not be created in a short time, preparation for sales began long before the public announcement. manufacturing such a huge number of devices actually in store possible without assurance that they will be implemented. And Apple clearly sure of this. And therefore produced. And, in fact, sold, not even enough for all comers.

After the withdrawal of a new device on the market, the job is not finished. A company should ensure that consumers will be provided with proprietary accessories for the new devices. This enables bought slightly change the look and feel of the new items, for many it is important to many like it. Apple has always paid great attention to this, there is practically branded accessories for each unit marked «Designed by Apple in California».

A man from the Net, who lives in the U.S., wrote this:

Went to a local operator to buy HTC One. I looked at the machine, turned it over in his hands, he asked – if they have any cover production HTC themselves, or at least something from the OEM-manufacturers. The reply was “No”.

This situation is simply not possible to store Apple. Maybe it’s a small, very minor detail. Client’s desire to protect svezhepriobretennoy device – this is the client’s wish. And the failure of even such a small thing can be a reason for not buying. In the Apple store employees to communicate with customers directly, it is forbidden to say the word “no.”

Be aware – at precisely the moment when you met and took a client, you have already started to lose it.

After the buyer left the store with the purchase, the company’s work is not yet finished. Continued operation of the company is not only to provide a loyal customer is necessary accompanying him things – covers, headphones, cables, everything you might ever need – an important part of Apple’s business idea is that the amount of attention that is paid after the purchase is any of your client. Here we are about getting to the next most important part – the support of products and devices.

In carrying out support by continuing to serve as the buyer carefully throughout the life of the product – and that, if we take an average of 2-3 years – is very important. The company not only meets the needs and wishes of the user of the product purchased, it continues to accompany it, and further, does not let go and keep customer loyalty at a high level. This is not the only service hour online support, where you can ask any question and you get a satisfying answer in any way, unlike some analogues of such services. In Apple are working absolutely sane, appropriate and technically competent consultants. If you do not really want to talk on the phone or online, please go to the Apple store and communicate live with a specialist Genius-bar .

So talk about it in detail in order to draw your attention to the fact that the Apple approach to solving complex problems, provides a former customer choices, even in such a matter which way to solve the problem, ease here in the first place. Oh, and I think an important point in this whole story is a constant stream of software updates for their devices, and the buyer after a year of use does not feel abandoned and forgotten, the period of the life of any device shall be calculated as at least a couple of years.

The result will be that. As one famous writer words no less famous character , who had an outstanding detective abilities – “All life consists of small things.” And it looks like the company Apple, at least until now, adhered to this view. All the facts and thoughts that are described in this article may sound a bit simplistic, “in the captain’s,” but I’m sure the need to at least say so. In Burkina Faso, Uganda, Botswana, Nigeria, Russia, and even in the mountains of Afghanistan about a service not yet heard, but anything can happen when something will change … I think that the attention to detail will help Apple avoid missing a small detail as Russia, the good, some progress already. Moreover, the line at the Apple Store somewhere in the center of Moscow definitely provided.

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