
NVIDIA is working on a tablet Surface 2


As the resource CNET , citing the words of the NVIDIA CEO Jen-Sun Huang (Jen-Hsun Huang), the company is actively working on developing a new generation of tablet Surface. However, he hopes that the new product will be more successful product than the first version of Surface.

NVIDIA has been a supplier of processors for the tablet Surface RT. However, this model was not popular among consumers and showed weak sales. As a result, Microsoft was forced to reduce its cost and adjusted accordingly, their financial statements. Many people are not happy with the lack of ability to run on the tablet Surface RT usual application. Price of the device is also satisfactory.

According to Huang, the problem was the lack Surface RT application Outlook. It is a very important platform for Windows. And the second-generation tablet already get it.

Itself, Microsoft declined to comment on the information.

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