New Tweetbot 2 for Mac will soon receive a redesign in the style of Yosemite

New Tweetbot 2 for Mac will soon receive a redesign in the style of Yosemite

New Tweetbot 2 for Mac will soon receive a redesign in the style of Yosemite

Best Twitter-Client for OS X, just indispensable software and faithful companion Tweetbot 3 to iOS soon get long-awaited update. And the update will be free!

Company developer Tapbots has not yet announced what functional changes await us in the new version. There is only published tweeted a teaser to the main window  Tweetbot 2 for Yosemite. A matter of taste, but as for me looks impressive and much better in keeping with the latest OS X, rather than present skevomorfny Tweetbot 2.

The decision to distribute the program as a free upgrade, but not as Tweetbot 3 c a price tag of $ 20, can be explained by the scale of the changes. In the case of 3 Tweetbot for iOS 7, Tapbots significantly redesigned app – with new mechanics, interface functionality. It seems that we are waiting on the Mac just a modern shell. What does good, because Tweetbot 2 and so very good.

New Tweetbot 2 for Mac will soon receive a redesign in the style of Yosemite

Released update has not been named – wait “soon”.

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