On Friday morning, Motorola unveiled its new smartphone Moto X, which experts have dubbed “the first true anti-iPhone». Design and specifications do not bring any surprises, raising the question of how to manage the new product from the company controlled by Google to compete with the iPhone 5 and the flagship Samsung Galaxy S4.
Moto X is a monoblock with a large touch screen diagonal of 4.7 inches and a resolution of 1280 x 720 dots (pixels per inch density of 316 ppi). iPhone 5 has 4-inch display with a resolution of 1136 × 640 (326ppi), and Samsung Galaxy S4 – Full HD screen with a diagonal of 5 “(443ppi). The phone Motorola dual-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor with a clock frequency of 1.7 GHz and 2 GB of RAM. Korean “Google phone” is based on the quad-core version of the Snapdragon 600 with a frequency of 1.9 GHz, while the flagship Apple – A6 dual-core chip with a frequency of 1.3 GHz. Galaxy S4 is equipped with 2 gigabytes, and the iPhone 5 – 1 gigabyte of RAM. All three devices in networks fourth-generation LTE support and interface Bluetooth 4.0.
Moto X got quite a good camera with a resolution of 10 megapixels, iPhone 5 features 8 megapixel, and Samsung Galaxy S4 – 13-megapixel sensor. Resolution of the front facing camera Android-devices is 2 megapixels, while the iPhone 5 – 1.2 megapixels. As for the battery capacity, is the leader Galaxy S4 – 2600 mAh. The comparable figure Moto X is located at 2200 mAh, the iPhone 5 – 1440 mAh.
iPhone 5 is made of one-piece body, which is its major advantage over competitors. Skins Galaxy S4 and Moto X made of polycarbonate, and apparently smart phones look much less solid than the machine Apple.
As the main highlights Motorola phone supports a variety of design options that the user can choose to your taste. In the studio you can pick up a special coloring of the device at its discretion and decide on other details. There are different colors as the body itself Moto X, the front and rear panels and accessories, as well as the possibility to add a name or short message to the body, just declared more than 2000 variants, including the original wooden rear panel.
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