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Tracky - new smart clothes for all

Tracky – new smart clothes for all

2015 could be the year of smart clothes. Now projects to create t-shirts, smart-sweaters or coveralls appear quite active. One of these projects includes Tracky –...

New BMX-sensor Iddo keeps track of your stunts and jumps

New BMX Sensor Iddo keeps track of your stunts and jumps

Now there is no shortage of cycling sensors that track the “freaks” while riding. However, as a rule, it is assumed that you eat on a conventional bike. What...

New CarVi turns ordinary cars into "smart"

New CarVi turns ordinary cars into “smart”

Every year the machines are becoming more perfect. Even now easy to buy a model with built-in intelligence. Warns of collisions, self seekers parking and so on. But what...

USB-cable to charge your smartphone new SONICable allow faster

USB-cable to charge your smartphone new SONICable allow faster

In mid-January on Indiegogo platform launched a campaign to raise funds for the production of USB-cable SONICable. A few weeks action brought developers to 200,000...

New Cubic Robotics was able to collect one hundred thousand dollars

New Cubic Robotics was able to collect one hundred thousand dollars

Startup was able to achieve this goal and collected one hundred thousand dollars on kraudfandingovoy site Indiegogo, for mass production of the voice assistant Power...

Everything you need to know about geeks site Indiegogo

Everything you need to know about geeks site Indiegogo

Perhaps, in our geek community no longer exists people who have not heard about site Kickstarter (we even prepared a special material about funding projects there). But...

GPS-suitcase on Indiegogo, or How to collect $ 600,000 in three days

GPS-suitcase on Indiegogo, or How to collect $ 600,000 in three days

Concern for their luggage was probably every person who has ever flown somewhere or went to rest. Most likely, after the next trip guys from startup Bluesmart had the...


Gecko – a multi-purpose Bluetooth-Light

On Indiegogo, analogue kick starter, has launched a campaign to raise funds for Bluetooth-label Gecko. Unlike Protag Elite , novelty is not only the lighthouse to look...


StickNFind – Bluetooth-Light Velcro

In the era of mobile devices, reducing the size and increasing the value of many devices that will be very frustrating to lose one of them. Therefore, in recent years...


FABtotum – 3D-scanner, 3D-printer, engraver

On Indiegogo, analogue kick starter, began fundraising project that combines the 3D-printer, 3D-scanner and engraving machine. The device has dimensions 366h366h366mm...


Velcro Kite Patch protect from mosquitoes

Humanity is not the first year for something that comes up with new colors for candy M & Ms, decides that cooler: an apple or a robot and looking for a way to fight...